Or did it? It was hard to see through a veil of tears. Queen In-hyun’s Man was a show unto itself, seamlessly blending time travel, mystical elements, comedy, action, intrigue, and romance all into one perfect sixteen-episode package. It managed to be all things while sacrificing ...
we don’t get to see much of them yet, but I’m already itching to find out what secrets they’re hiding up their sleeves. There’s the fourth prince GO YEON-WOO (Kang Young-seok!), who wept sorrowfully for the dying Go patriarch — but were they crocodile tears, or genuine ones?
Tears fall from his face, but that’s the only window we have to the torment that’s going on inside.Furthermore, when Cheoljong ascends to the altar to light incense and pray for the good of the nation, we get an equally arresting scene. It’s careful and deliberate. Cheoljong ...
He says he told Yeok everything, and asks if she was planning to kill Chae-kyung in a pinch this time too. She turns away from him before her tears spill out, and Seo-no says he pities her. Well that makes one of us. Minister Shin arrives at the palace, where Secretary Im warns...
For some reason out of all the scenes in this episode the one with the most impact for me, that really stuck to my head and be a little in awe, is the one where HJ is in the bathroom crying and speaks to SK full of left over toilet paper from trying to dry her tears. THAT att...