#眼泪女王 #眼泪女王花絮 #金秀贤金智媛cp感 #金秀贤 #金智媛 QueenOfTears | KimSooHyun 🍀🤤cr. Twitter - 백홍🍀👩🏻 ️👨🏻💓于20240523发布在抖音,已经收获了17.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
由金秀賢、金智媛主演的《淚之女王》在近日播出大結局,劇迷們雖掀起兩派意見,但仍舊收視飆到24.850%,超越《愛的迫降》的最高收視率22.6%,成為tvN收視率第一的韓劇。「雙金CP」深受廣大劇迷喜愛,昨(1日)釋出新的幕後花絮,金秀賢下戲後罕見在鏡頭前落淚的模樣,引發韓網熱議。 圖片來源:@yeosnowool/X 《淚之...
#眼泪女王 #金秀贤金智媛cp感 #眼泪女王花絮 #金智媛 #金秀贤 幕后花絮📽🎬 德国一名游客在拍摄QueenOfTears时意外捕捉到了KimSooHyun和KimJiwon BaekHong/SooWon 在德国的表演与众不同🍀 - 백홍🍀👩🏻 ️👨🏻💜于20240827发布在抖音,
With an impressive 14.1% viewership rating in its sixth episode, 'Queen of Tears' has consistently surpassed its own highest ratings each week since its debut, making it a top contender among TV-OTT integrated dramas for three consecutive weeks. The popularity of both Kim Soo Hyun and ...
MIPCOM Day 1 Deals Recap: David Suchet Series Sells; Beta Sets Globo Co-Pro; BBC Studios Takes ‘Solar System’ Global’; Korea’s ‘Queen Of Tears’ Turkey Remake; Tsunami Doc Deals 10/21/2024 by Jesse Whittock Deadline Film + TV ...
tvN’s “Queen of Tears” has shared a glimpse of the changing dynamic between Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun! Penned by “Crash Landing on You,”“My Love From
Today with his role in Queen of Tears it feels like being a Kim Soo Hyun for the long haul was waiting for this role, this moment, this synergy. Baek Hyun Woo has the dorkiness of Song Sam Dong and Baek Seung Chan, but the commanding presence/inte...
Esteemed for their riveting performances on screen, actors Kim Ji-won and Kim Soo-hyun, both hailed for their roles in "Queens of Tears" with their dynamic depth, have notably lent their talents to this cross-industry collaboration, further elevating music videos with their celeb...
金秀賢被爆出每集8億後,製作組火速出面否認「每集片酬8億並不是事實,與實際金額差距非常大」,而之後,據韓媒《體育朝鮮》報導,演藝圈相關人士透露「金秀賢最近雖然因片酬上漲,屬於片酬高的演員,但比起前作已刪減非常多費用」。 此外,據報導指出,近期因製作費規模越來越大,讓製作組負擔也加大,《淚之女王》也因...
而近期金秀賢舉辦亞洲巡迴粉絲見面會《EYES ON YOU》,來到台灣,男神金秀賢再次以帥氣魅力,以及充滿反差萌的四次元幽默擄獲粉絲的心,以下COSMO整理出金秀賢的15個小故事。 1.反差萌的四次元魅力 View full post on Instagram 近期金秀賢與金智媛、朴成焄一起參加了主持人張度練的網路節目《Salon Drip》,金秀賢展現...