Queen of Sheba (シバの女王, Shiba no Joō?, lit. Reina de Saba), también llamada Caster de Midrash (ミドラーシュのキャスター, Midorāshu no Kyasutā?), es una servant de clase caster invocada por Ritsuka Fujimaru en las Grand Orders de Fate/Grand Order.
WikiMatrix Moira Queen, you're under arrest for conspiracy. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 In the book, Hayter claimed to have found a shaft full of gold in the mountain, which he claims was the source of the wealth of the Queen of Sheba, but misfortune prevented him from benefiting from his dis...
WikiMatrix Serena Cordero was the unchallengedqueenofclassicalflamenco. Serena Cordero era l’incontrastatareginadel flamenco. Literature Theclassictemptation is theQueenof Sheba: she is both object and freedom at the same time. La tentazioneclassicaè lareginadi Saba: essa è insieme oggetto e liber...
There are also now 10 Regional Associations of Paramount Queen-mothers in all the 10 administrative Regions of Ghana. 目前还在加纳全部10个省设立了10个省级最高女酋长协会。 UN-2 Immediately David put Solomon on the throne, and Bath-sheba thus became the queen mother.—1Ki 1:5-37. 大卫...
“The Dragon that bestowed the ring on Charlemagne was Frastrada the Fairy. Like Tiamat, Lilith, Tamaris, Sheba, Diana, Arduin, Brigid, Lamia, Janet of Carterhaugh, Gwenhyfar, Pressina and Melusine, Frastrada was a Dragon Princess and a Grail Maiden. She is a Mary Magdalene and a Maid...
Queen of Sheba queen regnant Queens of the Stone Age Queensland queer 将“queen"翻译成塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 kràljica, кра̀љица, cȁrica是“queen"到 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Berenice IV becomes queen of Egypt after temporarily dethroning her father, King Ptolem...
WikiMatrix Fit for a queen, so get measuring. Di lusso. Quindi prendete le misure. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Upon the end of his cycle, his queen had assumed the title. E alla fine del suo ciclo, la sposa aveva ereditato il titolo. Literature The...
‘I am here out of love for my queen,’ she said, ‘and for Sheba, fairest nation under the Sun. «Sono qui per amore nei confronti della mia regina» disse, «e di Saba, il paese più bello sotto il Sole. Literature