In Tarot, the Queen of Cups represents emotional intelligence. Learn this card’s meaning in love, career, or advice readings or when it appears reversed.
Reversed Meaning Guide Queen of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Emotional immaturity, insecurity, lack of trust, lacking direction, weak, giving too much, overly-sensitive, needy, shallow, frivolous, silly, self-centred, disorganised, depressed, sulky, smothering, bitter, vengeful, manipulative...
Queen of Cups Reversed An Intelligent character who can to be relied on. Dishonesty. Immorality. The Queen of Cups Reversed is a card that signifies emotional imbalance and volatility. It represents a lack of emotional control, heightened sensitivity, and difficulty in expressing one's feelings....
Queen of cups reversed can speak of someone who has difficulty trusting. It can speak of an emotional difficult time that has taken a toll on the Seeker. As a result the Seeker could be very withdrawn and emotionally unavailable when this card shows up reversed. The Seeker could be overwhelm...
The Queen of Cups reversed in a spiritual context can represent obstructed intuition or psychic powers that aren’t being used to their full potential. If you’re trying to improve your psychic powers, this card advises you to take things slowly; your psychic powers will come in time. If yo...
Queen of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meaning It foretells that emotional aspect of a person along with fertility. It exhibits that you are well aware of your inner self, its beliefs and truth. You are someone who takes a stand and to change your decision is not easy at all. Your definition...
Find out the meaning of Queen of Cups & King of Cups tarot card combination at Discover other tarot card combinations and meanings here.
A woman who is perverse and can be given to hysteria. She may even lead others to destruction in pursuit of some idle fantasy.TAROT CARD MEANING SHEET All the tarot card menaings, upright and reversed, in our handy A4 meanings sheet. ...
The Queen of Cups - tarot card meanings and illustrationsBasic MeaningUpright - A happy card which indicates balance and harmony, also symbolizes high achievements made possible by the use of imagination. A woman who is trustworthy, highly imaginative and artistically gifted, affectionate and romantic...
[ Court Card Pairs ] [ Description ] [ Reversed? ] ACTIONS Loving turns away wrath with caring is unconditionally accepting is sensitive to the feelings of others dispels anger and hate has infinite patience Tenderhearted is easily moved by another's pain ...