All the pomp and grandeur of the Titanic without any of that silliness with icebergs; the Queen Mary has had a long and prosperous career with no (fingers crossed) bad renditions of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ yet. Beginning life in the 1930s, it was built in Scotland and became the ...
Discover the iconic Queen Mary, a top tourist attraction in Long Beach with endless things to see and do.
Queen Mary, British passenger ship of the Cunard Line that was the epitome of the transatlantic ocean liner. The Queen Mary was in service from 1936 to 1967, and it later became a hotel and tourist attraction, docked at Long Beach, California. In the lat
You may get rough crossings especially in October, November or December, but my own transatlantic crossings on the 150,000 ton Queen Mary 2 or 70,000 ton QE2 have been rock steady all the way. You could be in a 5 star hotel rather than on board a ship! The QM2's clocks are put ...
tooltip 此類住宿的星級評定取決於設施、住客評分、客房大小及其他因素。 船屋 1126 Queens Highway, 長灘, 洛杉磯 (CA), 美國, 90802 幾出色 目前有 425 個評分 7.8 / 10 瑪麗皇后酒店 (The Queen Mary Hotel)評價的真實住客評分 真實驗證評價 | 資料來源: ...
Discover the Captain's Hotel Room at Queen Elizabeth 2 in Dubai, the most elegant accommodation at sea that maintains a truly British heritage feel. Book now.
When it first opened as a hotel, it had 390 rooms. Since then, the rooms were renovated and reduced in number to 150 ,nicely restored and updated with other space for the museum, etc. The Queen Mary is huge. The ship’s gross tonnage is 81,237. Its length is 1,019 ft. It has ...
She's theRMS Queen Mary, built in Scotland in the early 1930s. Now she sits in Long Beach, south of Los Angeles. And she's not just a museum and ship-out-of-time, but she's also a working hotel housing guests in a unique setting -- minus any chance of seasickness. ...
Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel酒店永久停靠在Mina Rashid码头,为客人提供美食和夜生活体验,配有活动中心和遗址,可让客人一窥海洋历史。 Queen Elizabeth 2 Hotel酒店提供带餐厅的住宿、免费私人停车场和酒吧。酒店的设施包括礼宾服务和覆盖各处的免费WiFi。还提供客房服务、自动取款机和货币兑换服务。 酒店每天提供欧陆式早餐...
When it first opened as a hotel, it had 390 rooms. Since then, the rooms were renovated and reduced in number to 150 ,nicely restored and updated with other space for the museum, etc. The Queen Mary is huge. The ship’s gross tonnage is 81,237. Its length is 1,019 ft. It has ...