The White Queen: With Aneurin Barnard, Rebecca Ferguson, Amanda Hale, Faye Marsay. Three different, yet equally relentless women vie for the throne in 15th-century England.
Violent conflict, shocking betrayal and murder dominate Elizabeth’s life as Queen of England, passionate wife of Edward and devoted mother of their children. In The White Queen Philippa Gregory brilliantly evokes the life of a common woman who ascends to royalty by virtue of her beauty, a ...
Elizabeth Woodville was born around 1437 at Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire. Her mother had been married to a son of Henry IV but after he died, the wealthy widow controversially became the wife of her social inferior,...
内容提示: 前情提要 郑重介绍伊丽莎白王后 毋庸置疑的王后 I here present unto you, Queen Elizabeth, your undoubted queen. 我们不稀罕一个妄想控制丈夫 We'll have no truck with a queen who thought to rule her husband 并统治英格兰的王后 and rule England through him. 各位 这是曾经的亨利国王 My ...
QueenElizabethiswithchildagain. 我们得早她一步生下儿子 Wemusthaveasonbeforeshedoes. 伊丽莎白怎么了 Elizabeth?Whathappened? 没事不别管我 Itisnothing...No,leaveme.Leaveme,please. 我说了别管我 Isaid,leaveme! 抱歉母亲 I'msorry,Mother.
THE WHITE QUEEN 同样算是嫁给爱情,比起King Edward和Qeen Elizabeth的一见钟情,我还是更喜欢Richard和Anne青梅竹马。这一对真的是让人心疼,第二集两个人互生情愫 我就一直等待something,当时还是两个小天真...
王后queen中英文剧本elizabethhearts 前情提要 你是兰开斯特家族的女子 YouareagirlfromtheHouseofLancaster, 如今国家又分♥裂♥动荡 andyouliveinacountrythatisdivided. 这个时候你绝不能爱上一个约克的国王 YoumaynotfallinlovewithaYorkking 除非你能仍中汲取好处 unlessthereissomeprofitinitforyou. 你愿意嫁给我吗...
Queen Elizabeth II, the world's longest-serving monarch who as a teen witnessed the horrors of World War II and as an aged sovereign saw the agonies of a deadly pandemic and the personal pain of her own family's turmoil, has died. She was 96. The queen died "peacefully" at Balmo...
第3集 白王后 The White Queen第3集 本集中文名:暂无,欢迎添加 本集原名:The Storm 播放时间:2013-06-30星期天(当地时间) 剧情简介: 1469 – 17 April 1470: After a rebellion by Warwick results in the deaths of Elizabeth's father and brother but fails to put George, Duke of Clarence...更多...
BBC和StarZ对该剧的描述为这是一个描述爱、损失、诱惑、欺骗、背叛和谋杀的故事,三个来历不同但却拥有相同野心的女人在争夺王位的斗争中展开殊死较量——Elizabeth Woodville、Margaret Beaufort和Anne Neville。1464年,英国的内战已经进行了九年。交战的双方——约克家族和兰开斯特家族——虽然起源相同,但都坚持认为自己...