伊丽莎白二世(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II),原名为伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽·温莎(Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor),全称为“承上帝洪恩的大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国及其他领土和属地的女王,英联邦元首,国教(圣公会)的捍卫者伊丽莎白二世”。她现任英国君主,是英国、英联邦及15个成员国的国家元首,同时也是英国国...
queen consort of Edward IV; descending from Queen Elizabeth’s grandfather, Sir Richard Woodville. When Elizabeth became queen to Edward IV, she brought her favorite female relatives to court to serve her. Lady Parr’s grandmother, Lady Alice Fogge (born Haute), was one of five ladies-in-wai...