“Slay Ride” Plot: A joyous and merry Christmas turns dark when McCall, Dante, and Miles find themselves held hostage in a hospital that’s been taken over by the cartel.Queen Latifah as Robyn McCall in season 5 episode 7 The Equalizer Synopsis, Courtesy of CBS“The Equalizer is a re...
It has been 70 years since the death of the previous monarch, Queen Elizabeth II's father George VI, so the vast majority of people in the UK are unaccustomed to the traditions and pageantry that have been on display over the last few days. And for those wh...
The hospital opened in 1869, and Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess Louise, laid the first stone for the hospital. The hospital was visited by several members of the royal family, including Queen Victoria at least once in 1888. The hospital (and garden) are located in the heart of the...