It was 50 years that she kept her Young Head portrait on the coins. The Halfcrown, or Two Shillings and Sixpence, was perhaps the most used large silver coin at the time. Because of course a Halfcrown was a lot of money then. You have the Queen on the obverse with that silly ...
It was the storms which broke up the rest, the winds had won the victory and the coins of Elizabeth were to commemorate that in their new production. It was God’s Protestant Wind, according to Elizabeth’s propaganda, which blew and defeated the Armada, but in fact it was just good ...
After that it took only a moment’s further scrutiny59 for the Princess to discover that Elizabeth was going to be happy too. Then she found that there was a man connected with Elizabeth, and Colonel Boucher’s hand, to which she transferred her gaze, trembled with delightful60 anticipation...