The Canadian group Quebec Maple Syrup (枫糖浆) Producers recently announced it was releasing about 50million pounds from its strategic maple syrup reserves (储备). That's almost half of the storage.The government-supported organization, which is often called the OPEC of maple syrup, uses its res...
Quebec syrup producers losing ground: report--MONTREAL - Quebec's government-sanctioned maple...Valiante, Giuseppe
10、The study was funded by the Federation ofQuebecMaple Syrup Producers and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.(该研究由魁北克枫糖浆生产者联盟和加拿大农业与农业食品共同资助。) 11、The guy who shot up Dawson College inQuebeclast year played Super Columbine.(那个去年在魁北克DawsonCollege校园枪击凶手曾...
Montérégie is a region in Québec, Canada, stretching south from Montréal and the Saint Lawrence River to the U.S. border. Its Richelieu River valley is distinguished by its orchards, vineyards, cider houses and maple syrup producers, many of which offer tours. In the Monteregian Hills, t...
Two of the most unique cities in the world are just north of New England. You'll find brie, pate, jewel box-patisseries, and "s'il vous plait" right along with bagels, maple syrup, hockey, delis, and bocce ball. The people who forged ...See more ...
Maple Syrup Farm tourism is popular in Quebec City during the spring when sap begins to flow and maple producers produce a bounty of maple flavored products. Take tours of a farm and enjoy sweet ciders, ice cream, pastries, candies, and more. Observatoire de la Capitale On the top f...
nibble on, from cheeses to pastries. Of course, there are many choices here to get the classic Quebec City souvenir –– maple syrup (and other maple products like candy, fudge or maple butter). The prices are usually better at the market because you’re buying directly from the producers...
After trying just a few (we still had to drive the RV) we stocked up on the tins of our choice, to drink later by the campfire. Our favourite was the Canada Maple Ale which had a subtle flavour of maple syrup without too much sweetness – a really enjoyable taste of Canada. ...