Ceintures Fléchées and Wampum Belts: Quebec and Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian FederationConstitutional lawcanadaindigenous peoplesaboriginal peoplesfederalismepistemologymonismmethodological nationalismThis short paper addresses the following two questions: How did Quebec succeed in getting the English ...
Trudeau, whom the Toronto Globe and Mail called the first Canadian leader to regard television as an ally rather than an enemy, was constantly on the air during the 1970 crisis when separatist terrorists kidnapped two high officials and killed one of them. He used emergency powers to defeat ...
in early New France. Arriving with Samuel de Champlain, he earned Champlain’s trust and became an essential intermediary between the French and Indigenous peoples. His fluency in Algonquin, Huron, and Montagnais dialects, combined with his understanding of Indigenous customs, made him invaluable in...
and religious figures who marked the city's history. The statue has sparked debates over the years due to its portrayal of indigenous peoples, often perceived as stereotypical. However, the monument remains a symbol of Montreal's foundation and attracts tourists for photo sessions and guided tours...
How did the Treaty of Hopewell affect the Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Choctaw? What was the impact of the Indian Removal Act of 1830? How did colonial activity impact the Indigenous people in the Americas? How did the environment affect the Iroquois?
1988, the museum has been a firm favorite with locals and tourists thanks to its interactive exhibits and innovative architecture. As well as having fascinating sections on the past, present and future of the province’s Indigenous peoples, it also regularly hosts special exhibits and cultural ...
Just 20 minutes from Quebec City sitsWendake–the historic homeland of the self-governingHuron‑Wendat Nation. Depart in the late afternoon and learn about the history and traditions of these Indigenous peoples with a visit to the Huron‑Wendat Museum and the authentic craft stores in the vill...
3. Accessing English services The only people who will be able toaccess services in Englishare those who have attended an English school in Canada. There are some exceptions, including Indigenous peoples and students with serious health conditions, butmost people in Quebec wi...
and non-indigenous conceptions of nature/resource, resource develop- ment or the sharing of resources.As a consequence of social changes among the indigenous peoples, the Crees themselves have initiated various resource development projects, which combine traditional and mod- ...
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