They are the firemen [who] they hired last year. – Ellos son los bomberosquecontrataron el año pasado. I forget the restaurant inwhichwe had dinner. – Yo olvido el restaurante en elquecenamos. Note that in English the relative pronouns can often be omitted, whereas in Spanish thequei...
Si tenemos suerte, puedeque pinchealguno de los receptores de la flota imperial. 'If we're luckyitwilltapinto the receivers on one of the Imperial ships.' Literature Eres tan encantador con esa barbaque pincha. You're so precious with thatpricklybeard. ...
with lexemes that have a particularly high conditional probability leading the change in terms of timing and/or in terms of rate of change (Bybee and Torres Cacoullos 2008: 409). These competing hypotheses are tested in the multivariate analysis. ...
: El caso de los evidencialespor lo vistoyse ve que. Rilce, 34.3, 1179–1214. traza de ambos evidenciales en un corpus oral, se realizó un estudio tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo de los patrones y el rango de interpretaciones de cada expresión en una muestra de géneros escrito...
Directions: After reading the following English expressions, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet numbered 51 through 55.A-- country of origin ...
There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank,there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.He discovered from the timetable that the train was __(31)___ in twenty minutes.Edgar settled himself into a (32) ,worried in case ...
小题2:hard/difficult 上文提及不要灰心,是指有部分学生学习英语有困难,故用hard/difficult做宾语补足语。小题3:to 不定式to write good English composition与to learn English并列。小题4:improve 动词改善:improve.小题5:patterns 名词pattern式样。Sentence patterns句式小题6:them 代词them指代上文的Sentence ...
Armed with fresh confidence after these expressions of imperialfavor,Slidell soon sought a fresh interview with Thouvenel,whohad been kept in ignorance of the meeting at Vichy.Thouveneldiscouraged any immediate demand for recognition,but indicatedthe right procedure if Slidell was determined to act...
C. By looking at the audience all the time. 4. What should a speaker avoid while giving a speech? A. Having more attention on the audience than on the material.B. Reading the speech to the audience.C. Raising the voice and using facial expressions. 答案 1-4: C B AB 解析 ...
Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles says the Academy Museum will provide visitors the chance to experience many different parts of the film industry all in one place. Garcetti notes the museum will also serve the hundreds of thousands of local people working in film-related businesses. He ...