曲谱介绍: 《Que Sera Sera Chords》吉他和弦弹唱谱 全屏阅读 下载图谱 1 选择曲谱 打印的曲谱选择加入购物车 2 提交订单 选择的曲谱提交并完成支付 3 排版印刷 通过自主研发技术进行排版 4 物流发货 打印完成第一时间为您发货 加入打印 - 装订成书,免翻页设计、赠送目录页码 详情> 使用帮助更多 如何成为...
The standout tracks, though, are "I Only Wrote This Song for You," with its delicately strummed chords and funereal piano figure, and a hilarious demolition of the Doris Day standard "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be Will Be)." Replete with accordion and choral support by London's St....
Que[E]sera,[A]sera, whatever we'll be, we'll be. Key: A 1231 E 2311 Bm 13421112 C#m 13421114 F#m 123111112 A 1231 E 2311 Bm 13421112 ShowAll Diagrams Chords NotesBeta To learn Doris Day -Whatever Will Be, Will Be chords, grasp the musical fabric of the song with thissequence ...