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AVANOS E RETROCESSOS NAS RECENTES REFORMAS DO ENSINO MDIO: QUE RUMO TOMAR A LTIMA ETAPA DA EDUCAO BSICA?doi:10.5585/eccos.n67.25514EDUCATIONAL changeHIGH schoolsThis text, brings a historical overview of the educational policy initiatives involving Brazilian high school e...
La muestra quedó constituida por 316 personas de las principales ciudades de las regiones del Biobío, La Araucanía y Los Lagos, en el sur de Chile. Las encuestas se realizaron en las comunas con más de 100.000 habitantes de estas regiones, las cuales fueron distribuidas en forma est...
"All the employees were very kind and good treatment, the room was the worth as hotel could be. very but very small only the bed fits. no elevator, I am handicapted and to have breakfast which also very poor, I had..." 291. Hotel Plaza Santiago Show prices Enter dates to se...
permet cl'apporter une contribution utile h la datation des tcrrasses du rallon et B la g6omorphologic de la region, dont l'dtude dbtaillde a dtd entreprisc sous la direction du professcur 17. Gullentops. Treignes est situi! h 15 kni au sud-est cle I'hilippcrille, dans la parti...
We determine with a Vernier-horopter experimental apparatus, and a method of constant stimuli, the retinal disparities that can subsist in a region of 1° around the point of fixation, by steps of 10′, for seven normal subjects. These individual variations of disparities characterize the "micro...
// "Haut-Rhin" // Generates a random department number echo $faker->departmentNumber; // "2B" // Generates a random department info (department number => department name) $faker->department; // array('18' => 'Cher'); // Generates a random region echo $faker->region; // "Saint-Pi...
Nice room, beautiful sight of the mountains, good food (i would improve the breakfast, good quantity), good location, near from everything, mall, restaurantes, Banks..." 259. Hotel Bellavista By Suecia Show prices Enter dates to see prices 1 review Pío Nono 5, Providencia 7520420 C...