La synthèse du chloro-5 phényl-2 oxadiazole-1,3,4 a été mise au point. Ce produit est utilisable pour la préparation de dérivés ou O -alkylés ou O -arylés de l'hydroxy-5 pheényl-2 oxadiazole-1,3,4. The 5-Chloro-2-Phenyl-1,...
American AnthropologistAUSTIN J. SHELTON
The syncarpous, pentamerous, pentalocular gynoecium is composed of a protecting wall consisting of five congenitally fused sterile carpels and an axial fertile part (placental column), whose vascularization is cauline. These different parts are initiated from distinct organogenic portions of the ...
Alpha-Lipoic acid (ALA) is a natural compound, chemically named 1,2-dithiolane-3-pentanoic acid, also referred to as thioctic acid. In humans, ALA is synthetized by the liver and other tissues with high metabolic activity: heart, kidney. ALA is both water and fat soluble and therefore, ...
In osidic series (gluco, manno, 2-deoxy), β-anomers are more photoreactive than α-ones. All these results can be interpreted using stereoelectronic effects at the acetalic center for the photocyclization reactions.Descotes, G.Université LYON I Laboratoire de Chimie Organique II, ERA 689 ‐...
The I.R. and U.V. spectra of some of these derivatives are compared.Descamps, M.Services de Chimie Laboratoire de Recherches (Directeur: Dr. G. Deltour) Division pharmaceutique Labaz de la SBA‐PCM BruxellesBinon, F.Services de Chimie Laboratoire de Recherches (Directeur: Dr. G. Deltour...