Em .NET Framework 4.7, Windows Forms melhora o suporte a monitores de DPI elevados. Suporte de Alto DPI Começando pelas aplicações que visam .NET Framework 4.7, .NET Framework apresenta um alto DPI e suporte dinâmico de DPI para aplicações Windows Forms. O suporte de Alto DP...
Si preferís trabajar con Intel® Core,esta notebooky su procesador I5 de 11va generación es para vos. Adicionalmente, cuenta con un sistema operativo Windows 11 Home Single Language, una SSD Intel PCIe NVMe M.2 de 512 GB y unaGPU NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3050 para laptop (GDDR6 de...
Cual es la Funcionalidad de una tabla intermedia? Cual es la mejor forma de paginar data con SQL Server Cual es la mejor forma para Crear una tabla "Padre" y relacionarla con una Tabla "Hijo" Cual es la sentencia similar de MySql (on duplicate key Update) en SQL SERVER 2005 CUAN...
merkle - Space-efficient computation of Merkle root hashes and inclusion proofs. merkletree - Implementation of a merkle tree providing an efficient and secure verification of the contents of data structures. mspm - Multi-String Pattern Matching Algorithm for information retrieval. nan - Zero allocati...
As we got a bit closer, we could see that it was large clumps of sea grasses that were being tossed about; one less thing to worry about, BUT, those rollers! Right at the entrance we had four rollers right in a row; I couldn’t see any of the buoys until each roller had passed...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支2 标签0 Riley Labrecquev1.53a37e939e3年前 62 次提交 提交 SteamworksExample v1.53 3年前 glmgr v1.52 3年前 public/steam v1.53a 3年前 redistributable_bin ...