Props $434K Pesadilla para un rico(1996) Stage Manager (as Germán Quejido Perrucha), Unit Production Manager (as Germán Quejido Perrucha) Esto es un atraco(1991) Property Master, Unit Production Manager (as Germán Quejido Perrucha) ...
Un-resopnd to the question answerId : Answer's id. toPropsLess : Return the question with just id, content, custom and answers properties (props less). Answer : Answer are several proposals for a question. Here is an example of a response : { "id": "answer-1", "content": "Yellow...
QuEra Computing is the leading provider of quantum computers based on neutral-atoms. Our mission is to build the most scalable quantum computers.
QuEra Computing is the leading provider of quantum computers based on neutral-atoms. Our mission is to build the most scalable quantum computers.
mi base de datos en Access de pronto sin eliminar ninguna tabla ni ningún formulario se redujo de tamaño de 15,260kb a 4652kb Algo que me impacto es que hice configuraciones en: opciones -> BD actual... Unfortunately, the automatic translation of your question is u...
Indica si la barra de seguimiento debe mostrar o no un degradado de color con el valor actual. Value Especifica el valor actual de la barra de seguimiento. En la tabla siguiente se muestran miembros adicionales definidos por FlashTrackBar:, el evento de cambio de propiedades y el método ...
AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) Il s'agit d'un framework de développement de logiciels open source permettant de définir l'infrastructure cloud dans le code et de la provisionner via ce dernier. AWS CloudFormation AWS CDK Il se compose de deux parties principales : AWS CDK Bibliothèque...
"We are honored to be recipients of DARPA's IMPAQT grants, which serve as a testament to the groundbreaking work we're doing in the realm of neutral-atom quantum computing,” said Alex Keesling, CEO, QuEra. “These grants will push the boundaries of what's possible in optimization and ...
For all the infrastructure problems of the city in the midst of rebuilding itself, the festival seemed to thrive with all sorts of invitees showing up from all over the world. It seemed like gala events, panels, master classes, coproduction meetings, works in progress, screenings and ...
Cuando selecciono una celda en excel web desde dos cuentas distintas, en una me da la opción de 'formato de celdas' y puedo hacer lo que quiera. Sin embargo,...