(1) The topography of the catecholamine containing perikarya located in the pontine tegmentum and their ascending or descending projections has been studied with a histofluorescence method in 25 kittens and 35 adult cats (with or without central lesion). (2) According to their morphological aspects...
At the level of the magnocellular part of the red nucleus the axons of the intermediary pathway gradually turn in a ventral direction to enter the subthalamus where they run into the zona incerta and Forel's field. At this level, some fibers cross the cerebral peduncle vertically to join ...
LESIONES ISQUEMICO HEMORRAGICAS ECOGRAFIA CEREBRAL NEONATAL Primerestudioecografico.Cortecoronalanivelparieto-occipital:engrosamientoy aumentodeecogenicidaddelascircunvolucionesparamedialesizquierdas.Asociaba discretocolapsoventricularipsilateral.Hallazgosecográ ficosenrelació nalesion isquemicacerebralenterritorio...
5 caldos antiinflamatorios ideales en invierno ELLE + ROCHE Avances científicos frente al cáncer de mama El ejercicio fácil para tonificar brazos en casa Las 22 mejores frutas para adelgazar Qué tipo de magnesio es eficaz a partir de los 45 ...
A 60 year old male patient was admitted to hospital with pulmonary and cerebral abscesses. A percutaneous lung biopsy under CT scanning showed actinomycosis. After 4 weeks antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone and metronidazole there was an improvement in the pulmonary lesion but new cerebral lesions ...
High-dose mannitol administration (1.4 to 2g/kg given in bolus doses) may be considered a better option than conventional doses, especially before emergency evacuation of a cerebral mass lesion. Hypertonic saline seems as effective as mannitol without rebound effect and without diuresis increase. ...
The results of all paraclinical exams (specially cerebral imaging) are normal. Like the other episodes, the trouble resists to the antidepressant, and she comes out of this state completely only with electroconvulsivotherapy. The case of MmeF. corresponds imperfectly to the diagnosis of major ...
Cerebral stereotaxy is an old methodology allowing an accurate approach of a lesion or a function, in constant renewal with the introduction of computers and robotic. There is a natural complementarity with recent neuroradiological investigations and together, it is possible to reach cerebral deep-...