it's not my line (= speciality)→ no es de mi especialidadfishing's more (in) my line→ me interesa más la pesca, de pesca sí sé algo17. (= stance, attitude)→ actitud fto take a strong or firm line on sth→ adoptar una actitud firme sobre algo...
With regard to polyphenolic compounds, the Elotes Occidentales and Tuxpeño varieties present greater amounts of total phenols and antiradical activity (ARA), as well as a higher concentration of flavonoids and percentage inhibition, respectively. Condensed tannins are identified both in the creole...
Tratado de Nutrición; Ediciones Díaz de Santos: Madrid, Spain, 1999. [Google Scholar] Hidalgo, J. Tratado de Enología, 2nd ed.; Mundi-Prensa: Madrid, Spain, 2010. [Google Scholar] Walker, G.A.; Nelson, J.; Halligan, T.; Lima, M.M.; Knoesen, A.; Runnebaum, R.C. ...