Estudio de la influencia de la temperatura en el comportamiento reologico de mermeladas de albaricoque (Prunus armeniaca) , arandano (Vaccinium myrtillus) y escaramujo (Rosa canina) / Influence of temperature on rheological behaviour of jams of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) , bilberry (Vaccinium ...
Caracterizacion de los factores internos y externos que afectan el deslizamiento ubicado en el sector La Trujillana De La Autopista Rafael Caldera, El Vicia, Estado Merida, VenezuelaMass movements are potential geological hazards, such as the case of known la...
'Unless' is a negative conditional that is semantically equivalent to 'if not'. However, some authors have claimed that 'unless' is more closely related to 'only if' than to 'if not'. We report two experiments that compare conditional inferences from 'un...