Faker\Provider\es_ES\Person<?php // Generates a Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) number echo $faker->dni; // '77446565E'Faker\Provider\es_ES\Payment<?php // Generates a Código de identificación Fiscal (CIF) number echo $faker->vat; // "A35864370"...
Margarita Menegus o Patricia Cruz Pazos han señalado–6 lo cierto es que, entre 1549 y en 1558, se expidieron reales cédulas con el objetivo de institucionalizar plenamente formas autónomas de oficios de república y de comunidad entre los naturales, cuando menos en la zona nuclear de la...
”12It turns out that, in addition to his contract in Brno opera companiesbetween 1736 and 1740, Lucchini was engaged with the Imperial PrivyCouncilor and Chief Justice of the Provincial Court in Brno, Franz Joseph von Heissler Heitersheim, owner of the Uherčice (Ungarschitz) es...
qucred by European settlers, becausc Ellwere very strong and aggress ive, especially Eng land, Span, FranceIn fact from Columbus friendsormal account of the ir second voyage to America, we can see how quickly the relrionship hetween the Europeaanld IIIE ral iv es deleriordledlolher in ...