Associated with gammametry, it can insure the management of nuclear material emitting α, β and γ rays.The gamma spectrometer using a high purety germanium detector can describe the isotopic composition of the sample and the differential calorimeter with thermopile measure the equivalent heating ...
1 Introduction Le myocarde est un organe qui requiert un apport 6nergttique important pour assurer sa fonction con- tractile. Les r&erves 6nergttiques du myocarde &ant faibles, il est done dtpendant des apports sanguins. Son fonctionnement normal correspond ~t un 6quili- bre entre ...
Factores que condicionan la sensibilidad de la ecografía y la gammagrafía en la localización del adenoma paratiroideoIntroduction: The treatment of choice for primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) when there is proper preoperative localization of the adenoma is minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. ...
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