É a minha meditação em todo o dia! 98 Tu, pelos teus mandamentos, me fazes mais sábio que meus inimigos, pois estão sempre comigo. 99 Tenho mais entendimento do que todos os meus mestres, porque medito nos teus testemunhos. 100 Sou mais prudente do que os velhos, porque...
Factores no geneticos que afectan el peso al destete en vacunos Brahman registrados, Venezuela. Zootecnia Trop. 27: 383-391. Sanders, J.O.; J.C. Paschal; R.M. Thallman. 1987. Preweaning performance of Senepol, Angus, and Zebu-sired calves in Texas. Int. Senepol Res. Symp. Charlotte...
objective: to compare changes in nutrients and energy intake of seventy seven pregnant women who participated in a nutritional intervention program in cauca and uraba-antioquia, colombia. methodology: descriptive longitudinal and prospective study was conducted in seventy seven pregnant women during the ...
Annales Francaises Danesthesie Et De ReanimationGILLART T., BAZIN J.-E., GUELON D. et coll. Influence du drainage bronchique dans l'amelioration des echanges gazeux observes en decubitus ventral au cours du SDRA. Ann. Fr. Anesth. Reanim. 2000;19:156-63....
Diastasis pubis is an uncommon injury that should be considered when evaluating patients in the peripartum period who are experiencing suprapubic, sacroiliac, or thigh pain.doi:10.1016/S0761-8425(07)91751-9Reynaud-Gaubert, M.Boniface, S.Elsevier Masson SASRevue Des Maladies Respiratoires...
Canadian Journal of Statistics 33, 163-180.Goga, C. (2005), R´eduction de la variance dans les sondages en pr´esence d'information auxiliaire : une approche non param´etrique par splines de r´egression, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 33, 1-18....
The high frequency of abscesses and generalized infection in the form of sepsis presented led us to study his immunological status. A rare and selective antibody deficiency was found. A comprehensive treatment that included not only extrinsic factors, such as rubbing by orthoprothesic procedures, ...
Campo Sien, C.Unidad de Hipertensión Arterial. Hospital 12 de Octubre. MadridRuilope Urioste, L.M.Unidad de Hipertensión Arterial. Hospital 12 de Octubre. MadridElsevier EspanaHipertension Y Riesgo VascularSegura J, Campo C, Ruilope L. Factores que influyen en la hipertension arterial refracta...
Es la anastomosis pancreato yeyunal de Peng más efectiva que la anastomosis muco-mucosa en la duodenopancreatectomía por neoplasias de páncreas y periampulares?DuodenopancreatectomyPancreatic anastomosisCancer of the pancreasPancreatic fistulaThe results of this study show that the anastomosis method ...