pps:trueSet this tofalseto disablePPS(Pay Per Share) mode. When enabled, you'll receive a fixed reward for each valid share you submit, regardless of whether a solution is found. "amountOfThreads":0All available -1How many threads should be used for the AI Training. ...
<MODE_0> and <MODE_1> value are: MAIN or AUX -setsolutionthreshold <EPOCH> <SOLUTION_THRESHOLD> Remotely set solution threshold for future epoch,valid private key and node ip/port are required. -refreshpeerlist (equivalent to F4) Remotely refresh the peer list of node, all current ...
换成显卡跑,昨天白天又挂了10小时,3个solution。看外网视频算了下我的期望是0.16/小时 2024-03-01 09:436回复 少林包青蛙这次是amd专场 显卡和英特尔cpu没戏 2024-03-06 03:444回复 共20条回复, 点击查看 烛龙的硬件小铺 这两天我也在测试,手头有一个129k,有一个136k,朋友那里有149k127和124,还有134...
preconditioner = DiagonalOperator(1/coverage[~mask], broadcast='rightward') solution = pcg(H.T * H, H.T(tod), M=preconditioner, disp=disp, tol=1e-3) output_map = unpack(solution['x'], mask) t1=time.time()ifdisplaytime: print(' Map done in {0:.4f} seconds'.format(t1-t0))re...
solution = pcg( A, b, M=DiagonalOperator(1/coverage[mask]), disp=True, tol=1e-4) 开发者ID:MStolpovskiy,项目名称:qubic,代码行数:33,代码来源:script_ga_random_nopol_internals.py 注:本文中的qubic.QubicAcquisition.get_operator方法示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等开源代码及文档管理平台,相关...
换成显卡跑,昨天白天又挂了10小时,3个solution。看外网视频算了下我的期望是0.16/小时 2024-03-01 09:436回复 少林包青蛙这次是amd专场 显卡和英特尔cpu没戏 2024-03-06 03:444回复 共20条回复, 点击查看 烛龙的硬件小铺 这两天我也在测试,手头有一个129k,有一个136k,朋友那里有149k127和124,还有134...
v1.230.0 EP140 Release v1.230.0 with initial tick 17860000 (mandatory non-seamless update) Mandatory signing of network messages to prevent DDoS attacks QEarn stats per epoch can now be queried Adapted solution threshold and target tick duration Assets 2 Loading v1.229.0...
Error Calculating Checksum (Solution/16) Client #107 opened Sep 6, 2024 by true31337 1 ERROR always happen on windows server 2022 #106 opened Sep 2, 2024 by zhangxingyuan-nj What is the logic for generating device ID? #104 opened Jul 11, 2024 by dev-kang Client 1.9...
solution.data system.data Repository files navigation README License Qubic All the latest information you can find on the official website qubic.wiki Table of Contents Qubic a quorum-based computations protocol Hardware Requirements Software Requirements The steps we will take to achieve a successful...
automatic update and benchmark qubic miner(li、solution) , generate run_max.bat or sh 目前适配了windows和linux平台,自己编译命令 cargo build --release feature: zoxx(solution)池的自动更新和跑分,最后输出result.json -自动选择最大的程序根据配置的钱包地址和线程,输出bat、sh文件 ...