资源也不错,有datastream lab 和bloomberg,搞数据做分析很有用。 博士在读的学姐cherry:女王大学环境好,风景好,主楼漂亮,graduate school也好看,每一个人都可爱,经常被英国很多报纸和杂志评为全英最美的大学之一,是一个非常适合读书的地方。(贝...
中国任何城市均无直达贝尔法斯特的航班,至少需要中转一次。(通常是在英国境内)大部分同学首次进入英国会在伦敦希斯罗机场转机后再前往贝尔法斯特。第一段行程从中国到达伦敦希斯罗可选择直达航班(英航,维珍,东航)或一次转机(香港,土耳其,卡塔尔,阿联酋,德国,法国等)后再到伦敦希斯罗,这一段行程通常 回复 举报|5楼2016-...
“As you guys know, I grew up in a very poor family. I was raised by a grandmother who didn’t graduate from high school, much less from college, and I’m proud of the fact that she really worked her tail off, that she, you know, went to her grave fighting to give me opportuni...
Experience in the way things work, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. Had two consecutive Academy ”summer social practice activists“, ”outstanding student-General“ and the honorary title. In normal school life, I have done a lot of part-time. For example: tutoring, telephone interview...