1. 诞生背景 准相位匹配(Quasi-phase Matching)是一种利用周期性结构实现相位匹配的技术。它的诞生是为了解决传统相位匹配技术在实际应用中的限制。传统的相位匹配技术要求介质的折射率和光的频率满足特定的关系,这在实际中往往难以实现。而准相位匹配技术则通过引入周期性结构,使得不同频率的光在传播过程中能够保持相位...
应用准相位匹配(Quasi-Phase Matching)的原理及极化反转制程,再结合低损耗的光学波导的制作,我们可以达到良好的转换效率, …thesis.lib.ncu.edu.tw|基于5个网页 2. 准相位匹配技术 ...ce frequency generation)和准相位匹配技术(Quasi-phase matching),将调}皆范围在750~840 nm之间的连续可调谐钛宝石激光 …d....
Quasi-phase matching (QPM) enables flexible and efficient second-order nonlinearity ranging from bulk nonlinear crystals to integrated nonlinear photonic devices. Here, we propose a QPM nonlinear photonic device constructed using monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) arrays attached on a silicon...
Disordered photonic materials, made up of a random assembly of optical nonlinear crystals, enable a broadband tunability in the random quasi-phase-matching (RQPM) regime and do not require high-quality materials. Here, we combine resonances and disorder by implementing RQPM in Mie-resonant spheres...
Quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in noble gases employing ultrasound U. K. Sapaev,1 I. Babushkin,2 and J. Herrmann 1,? 1 Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear optics and Fast Spectroscopy, Max-Born-Str. 2a, Berlin D-12489, Germany 2 Weierstrass Institute, Mohrenstrasse 39, ...
Quasi-phase-matching (QPM) technique has been successfully applied in nonlinear optics, such as optical frequency conversion. Recently, remarkable advances have been made in the QPM generation and manipulation of photon entanglement. In this paper, we review the current progresses in the QPM ...
The basic principle of quasi-phase-matching (QPM) of DFG is depicted, the temperature tuning characteristics of periodically poled LiNbO3(PPLN) are studied based on the Sellmeier e. 研究了基于准相位匹配技术的差频产生基本原理和PPLN晶体的温度调谐特性;以甲醛为检测目标气体,研究了基于差频产生的大气甲...
The gain curve in periodically poled LiTaO_3 crystal (PPLT) was calculated for type 0 (e+e→e) quasi-phase matching (QPM). 根据准相位匹配理论计算了周期极化LiTaO3(PPLT)晶体中0类准相位匹配过程(e+e→e)的增益曲线。 3. The SHG tolerance characteristics of PPRTA crystals have been theoretica...
3.The basic principle of quasi-phase-matching (QPM) of DFG is depicted, the temperature tuning characteristics of periodically poled LiNbO3(PPLN) are studied based on the Sellmeier e.研究了基于准相位匹配技术的差频产生基本原理和PPLN晶体的温度调谐特性;以甲醛为检测目标气体,研究了基于差频产生的大气甲...
In this article, we show that quasi-phase matching can be accomplished by manipulating one of the pump beams without any periodic poling. We analyze a simple case wherein one of the interacting beams has a periodic pattern, and the others are assumed to be planewaves. We present comparisons...