Considering the BMN matrix model as a truncation of $\\mathcal{N}=4$SYM, we also compute the frequencies of the quasi-normal modes of the dualscalar fields in the AdS$_5$-Schwarzschild background. We compare the results,and we find a surprising similarity....
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Quasi-normal modes in random mediaCondensed matter physics Quasi-normal modes in random media CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Azriel Z. Genack WangJingWe have analyzed spectra of localized microwave transmitted through quasi-1D random samples to obtain the central frequency, linewidth and field speckle ...
We compute the quasi-normal modes (QNMs) of the decoupled perturbations using the Schutz–Iyer–Will's WKB method. We discuss the stability of the charged black holes by investigating the dependence of quasi-normal frequencies on the parameters of the theory, correcting some errors in the ...
Sachdev, "The quasi-normal modes of quantum critical- ity," Phys. Rev. B 86, 235115 (2012) [arXiv:1210.4166[cond-mat.str-el]].W. Witczak-Krempa and S. Sachdev, The quasi-normal modes of quantum criticality, Phys. Rev. B86 (2012) 235115, [1210.4166]....
准正则模,quasi-normal modes criterion modification准则修正 3)quasi-regular ring准正则环 4)almost regular graph准正则图 5)para regular准正则 1.In this article, T 0, T 1/2 , T 1 spacws are re studied and two kinds of new space, T t space and para regular space,are defined/...
1) quasi-normal modes 准正则模2) criterion modification 准则修正3) quasi-regular ring 准正则环4) almost regular graph 准正则图5) para regular 准正则 1. In this article, T 0, T 1/2 , T 1 spacws are re studied and two kinds of new space, T t space and para regular space,...
Quasi-normal modes (QNMs) corresponding to these excitations are analyzed in the present paper with the use of an example of a static nearly Schwarzschild black hole. We mainly target micro-Black Holes, given that they are strongly affected by the details of UV completion for gravity, while ...
But can the TM be exploited to selectively excite quasi-normal modes and so control the spatial profile and dwell time inside the medium? We show in microwave and numerical studies that spectra of the TM can be analyzed into modal transmission matrices of rank unity. This makes it possible ...