Given any connected topological space $X$, assume that there exists an\nepimorphism $\\phi: \\pi_1(X) o \\mathbb{Z}$. The deck transformation group\n$\\mathbb{Z}$ acts on the associated infinite cyclic cover $X^\\phi$ of $X$,\nhence on the homology group $H_i(X^\\phi, ...
We give also two new presentations of this duality map: one as the composition of two Delzant symplectomorphisms and the other as the composition of three Dehn twist symplectomorphisms realized by Goldman twist flows. Through the well-known relation between quasi-Hamiltonian manifolds and moduli...
Given any connected topological space $X$, assume that there exists an epimorphism $\\\phi: \\\pi_1(X) o \\\mathbb{Z}$. The deck transformation group $\\\mathbb{Z}$ acts on the associated infinite cyclic cover $X^\\\phi$ of $X$, hence on the homology group $H_i(X^\\\phi...