基于准公共产品界定下的中小企业信用担保效率研究 Study on the Efficiency of the Credit Guarantee for the SMEs:a Research Based on the Definition of the Quasi-public Goods;
2.As a quasi-public goods,the city toll road and bridge’s pricing has aroused strong attentions.城市道路作为典型的准公共品,已经引起社会各方面的关注。 2)quasi-public goods准公共产品 1.Study on the Efficiency of the Credit Guarantee for the SMEs:a Research Based on the Definition of the Qu...
1)quasi-public goods准公共产品 1.Study on the Efficiency of the Credit Guarantee for the SMEs:a Research Based on the Definition of the Quasi-public Goods;基于准公共产品界定下的中小企业信用担保效率研究 2.As quasi-public goods,URT(urban rail transport)has its unique economic attribute and chara...
Definition Aquasi-public goodoccupies an intermediate position between pure public and private goods. While pure public goods are defined by their non-excludability and non-rivalry, quasi-public goods might exhibit only one of these traits completely or may possess both but not in their absolute fo...
Public Good in Economics | Definition, Characteristics & Examples from Chapter 3 / Lesson 64 35K Learn the definition of a public good and understand the theory of public goods. Explore the characteristics of public goods and review various examples. Related...
Define quasi-contracts. quasi-contracts synonyms, quasi-contracts pronunciation, quasi-contracts translation, English dictionary definition of quasi-contracts. n an implied contract which arises without the express agreement of the parties Collins Englis
In this Article, Professor Swire takes on this ''economists' puzzle'' in several ways. First, the economists' definition of discrimination is much narrower than current law-economists do not count profit-maximizing behavior by lenders and borrowers as discrimination even when otherwise similar ...
Who is a Banker? Bank/Banker/Banking company is an organization which essentially performs the two functions: 1. Accept deposit from public( the deposit. DEFINITION OF AGENT AND PRINCIPAL BAILMENT Sec PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT OF SALE OF GOODS ...
life satisfaction is captured by means of the question—“How satisfied are you with your life in general?”. Answers are given on an 11-step numerical scale, running between the two extremesvery satisfied(\(LS = 10\)) andvery dissatisfied(\(LS = 0\)). A precise definition is given in...
准公共产品;排他性机制;公共服务均等化;本质属性;包容性增长 Reconstruction of Exclusive Mechanism and Equalization of Benefit from Quasi-public Goods A New Path to the Realization of Inclusive Growth Ye HangWang Guoliang 10 3785/j issn 1008-942X 2011 08 161 2011-08-16 [基金项目]教育部人文社会科...