I am also grateful to Elizabeth Drake and Laura Harmon of the Washington State Institute for Public Policy for providing me with the data sets used in this paper, and to David Daniels of the Washington Department of Corrections for helping me understand the state's community custody programs. ...
When PGA increases to 0.6 g, the damage state of the bent B2-PGS pier can be defined as extensive damage, while the other two bents show “moderate damage”. When PGA reaches 0.7 g, all the bents fail. Through the above analysis, we can conclude that the seismic performance of the ...
When PGA increases to 0.6 g, the damage state of the bent B2-PGS pier can be defined as extensive damage, while the other two bents show “moderate damage”. When PGA reaches 0.7 g, all the bents fail. Through the above analysis, we can conclude that the seismic performance of the ...
This quasi-static multifunctionality property can be attributed to the onset and propagation of microcracks in the 3D-printed coupons. Material, processes, and environmental conditions’ variabilities appear to be negligible due to the AM of the test coupons and the exhibited experimental test results,...
In the case of HIV/AIDS studies, mathematical modeling and computational simulations of epidemiological infection-control efforts have become imperative tools for the evaluation of different policies at the state level, of the evolution of health at the population level and of interventions in ...
Lee, C.H.M.; O’Leary, J.; Kirk, P.; Lower, T.A. Breastfeeding Outcomes in Washington State: Determining the Effect of Loving Support Peer Counseling Program and Characteristics of Participants at WIC Agencies.J. Nutr. Educ. Behav.2018,50, 379–387.e1. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Food security, as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), refers to the state in which all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy ...