1. 在菜单 Assignments 中选择 Pin Planner。2. 在弹出的Pin Planner界面的All Pins区域里点击鼠标右键,找到 Customize Columns。3. 在弹出的Customize Columns对话框的左列表框选择Weak Pull-Up Resistor,再点击,把Weak Pull-Up Resistor添加到右列表框,这样在Pin Planner的All Pins区域里就有一...
For methode# 2 I did not find how to turn off the weak pull up on Pin 10, all selections in the property editor are greyed out. Any idea how to solve this? I would like to save the external pull up resistor. Thanks a lot in advance, Günter (dl4mea) ...
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to switch_input 这样就把switch_input这个锁在208号引脚,同时给208号引脚加了上拉电阻。 保存好你的TCL脚本,然后在菜单栏的tools下,点TCL scripts, 点Run,运行一下你的TCL脚本。这样,就只需要综合一次了。 八、接好你的JTAG就可以用Programmer下载代码...
不建议⽤quartus13以前的版本(旧版带的USB blaster驱动可能在WIN8、WIN10上⾯安装不了),还有quartus13及以后的版本都把IDE和器件包分成两部分,记得下载器件包。此外,quartus13.0sp1是最后⼀个⽀持cyclone II的版本。接下来,介绍Quartus 13最基础的⽇常使⽤⽅法。如何新建⼯程就不说了,但是要注意...
12、了。如果你的引脚是按键,就要加上拉电阻(不然会容易烧坏IO口),输入如下代码:set_location_assignment PIN_208-toswitch_inputset_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to switch_input这样就把switch_input这个锁在208号引脚,同时给208号引脚加了上拉电阻。保存好你的TCL脚本,然后在菜单栏的...
component alt_inbuf_diff generic( io_standard : string := "NONE"; location : string := "NONE"; enable_bus_hold : string := "NONE"; weak_pull_up_resistor : string := "NONE"; termination : string := "NONE"; port( i : in std_logic; ibar : in std_logic; o : out std_logic...
• As input tri-stated with weak pull-up—the pins reserve as tri-state input pins with weak pull-up resistors. Table 17. Dual-Purpose Pin Options Allow you to specify whether the associated dual-purpose pin is reserved, and the reservation purpose. To access, click Assignments ➤ ...
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to switch_input 这样就把switch_input这个锁在208号引脚,同时给208号引脚加了上拉电阻。 保存好你的TCL脚本,然后在菜单栏的tools下,点TCL scripts, 点Run,运行一下你的TCL脚本。这样,就只需要综合一次了。
A logic option that enables the weak pull-up resistor when the device is operating in user mode. This option pulls a high-impedance bus signal to VCC. The Weak Pull-Up Resistor option should not be used at the same time as the Enable Bus-Hold Circuitry option....
小 FPGA 团队 芯路恒科技 专注于培养您的 FPGA 开发能力 开发板 培训 项目研发三位一体 If you use the nCEO pin to feed the nCE pin of the next device,use an external 10- -up resistor to pull the nCEO pin high to the VCCIO voltage of its I/O bank to help the internal weak pull-up ...