接前面Quartus Prime Lite小记一,继续野路子补充Quartus基本知识。注:本文内容依然使用 Quartus Prime Lite 23.1进行验证。 Quartus的界面很多人在用,但是用它的界面入门的话,总觉得还缺点东西...,可能命令行更适合我。 工作流程 Quartus可以在命令行下工作,典型的工作流如下: 详见:https://www.intel.com/content/...
version_info.txt 注意:该文件不会被quartus_sh --clean清理。 为了避免脚本在git仓库之外执行,或者git找不到造成崩溃问题,可以调整一下脚本: # 尝试获取最新提交的哈希值和提交计数 set commit_hash "" set commit_count "" catch { set commit_hash [exec git rev-parse HEAD] set commit_count [exec git...
The Intel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software, Version 22.1.2 is subject to removal from the web when support for all devices in this release are available in a newer version, or all devices supported by this version are obsolete. If you would like to ...
Solved: Dear Manager, I'm using Quartus Prime Lite Editon 18.0.0 version to develop MAX V CPLD. I want set the un-used pin to weak pull-up. Please
Quartus Prime Lite是一款由英特尔(Intel)公司开发的功能强大的集成电路设计软件,它提供了全面的设计功能、强大的仿真和验证能力、高效的编译和优化算法、广泛的器件支持以及用户友好的界面。 Quartus Prime精简版拥有全方位的设计功能,支持硬件描述语言和图形设计工具,使用户能够以最佳方式组织和实现复杂的数字电路设计。其...
The intuitive high-performance design environment. From design entry and synthesis to optimization, verification, and simulation, Quartus® Prime Design Software unlocks increased capabilities on devices with multi-million logic elements, providing designers with the ideal platform to meet next-generation ...
Hello, I have troubles when I compile a project of mine on Quartus Prime Lite 18.0 with, as target FPGA device, a MAX10 (10M08DAF256C8GES). The
求助,QuartusPrimeLite18.1 安装失败,总是未响应? 目前系统是Win10 1809版,在安装QuartusPrimelite的时候,无论是17.1还是18.1,进度条总是会停在一半,然后安装程序未响应,继续等待也没有结果。求助大神帮帮忙提供点解决方案。问题如下图所示: 红黄绿2019-12-09 10:10:35 ...
目前系统是Win10 1809版,在安装Quartus Prime lite的时候,无论是17.1还是18.1,进度条总是会停在...
比如用到cyclone V和cyclone 10 GX这2颗芯片,一个低端产品,一个用于高端产品,买2个软件的lic?