关于quartus Ⅱ 13.1 signal top Ⅱ 使用时报“invalid JTAG configuration”和“instance not found”,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
quartus ii instance not found分享: Quartus.II调用ModelSim仿真实例如果是第一次使用modelsim,需要建立Quartus ii12.0和modelsim的链接。Quartus II12.0-》Tools-》option-》EDA Tool options再选择自己的软件和对应的安装文件夹。 2019-03-07 15:45:18 用Quartus II V13.0的VWF仿真时提示“ModelSim-Altera was not...
【优惠升级】华秋PCB首单最高立减100元,再返2000元优惠券!!![问答] 关于quartus Ⅱ 13.0 signal top Ⅱ 使用时报“invalid JTAG configuration”和“instance not found”是什么原因 14638 TOP JTAG quartus 扫一扫,分享给好友 复制链接分享 链接复制成功,分享给好友...
Error: Node instance "clk_gen1" instantiates undefined entity "clk_gen" -引用的例化元件未定义实体entity "clk_gen" 4. E 23、rror: VHDL Binding Indication error at freqdetect_top.vhd(19): port "class" in design entity does not have std_logic_vector type that is specified for the same ...
4 Error: Node instance "clk_gen1" instantiates undefined entity "clk_gen" ---引用的例化元件未定义实体--entity "clk_gen" 5 Warning: Found 2 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks -- node(s) analyzed...
9、, offsets, is, supported, for, the, current, device, family, but, is, PLL, not, enabledMeasure: change the on in setting, Requirements&Option-More, Timing, Setting-setting-Enable, Clock, Latency, timing to OFF8.Found, clock, high, time, violation, at, NS, on, register, |counter...
1.Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time on register "<name>"原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟的边缘同时变化。而时钟敏感信号是不能在时钟边沿变化的。其后果为导致结果不正确。措施:编辑vector source file 2.Verilog HDL assignm...
---信号类型设置不对,out 当作buffer 来定义 4 Error: Node instance "clk_gen1" instantiates undefined entity "clk_gen" ---引用的例化元件未定义实体--entity "clk_gen" 5 Warning: Found 2 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks -- node(s) analyzed as...
17.Error: Can't name logic scfifo0 of instance "inst" -- has same name as current design file 原因:模块的名字和project的名字重名了 措施:把两个名字之一改一下,一般改模块的名字 18.Warning: Using design file lpm_fifo0.v, which is not specified as a design file for the current project,...