html格式中,grid选项比较重要些,大屏设备,比如我的4K32寸显示器下,网页左右留白默认就太大了,很不好看,通过grid设置左中右三栏宽度,就可以把中间内容部分很好的输出,阅读体验会好很多。 pdf格式中,选用scrreprt是为了更好地应用高级特征。 搜索引擎真是好 include-in-header:这个等价在tex正文前加入宏包和自定义...
include-in-header: text: \usepackage{ctex} docx: default --- 2、渲染为HTML: 在头部的YAML中定义了HTML、Word、PDF三种输出,编辑时一般先用HTML测试渲染效果。 3、渲染为Word: YAML中有定义的话,从Rstudio IDE Render按钮下拉可以选择渲染为Word等格式。 4、渲染为PDF: 不太了解LaTex语法,先用个简单的测...
include-in-header: text: | \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage{amsthm,mathrsfs} --- 在设置中,number-sections: true表示自动生成章节的编号并显示编号。 toc: true表示要自动生成目录, toc-depth: 3表示目录内容包含到小节级别。 在format下的pdf
I'm trying to have boldface symbols in a math equation.mathbfworks as it should, butboldsymbolorbmdoes not work. --- title: "Test" format: pdf: include-in-header: text: | \usepackage{amsmath} latex-auto-install: true --- $$\boldsymbol{F}^* = \boldsymbol{I} + \begin{bmatrix}...
include-in-header: text: | \usepackage{lineno} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{typearea} include-before-body: text: | \linenumbers bibliography: bibliography.bib csl: ama11.csl link-citations: true linkcolor: blue ...
classoption: [paper=6in:9in,pagesize=pdftex,headinclude=on,footinclude=on,12pt] This is where I can choose the dimensions of the book (6 x 9) and the size of the font (12pt). Then: include-in-header: text: | \usepackage{fvextra} ...
in the root of the project and modified the listing part YML header by adding feed: true. listing: contents: "." sort: "date desc" type: default categories: true sort-ui: false filter-ui: false feed: true Final comment I am surprised that, besides images and links, everything else ...
新的一年,我们用的云服务器有进行了升级,有些设置得调整一下。 问题根源:htmlspecialchars在php...
For example, if you needed to run one report for each of 10 cities, city could be defined as a parameter in your document’s YAML header, such as--- title: "My Quarto Document" params: city: New York ---That sets a parameter named city with a default value of New York. You can...
Quarto是RStudio的R Markdown的下一代多语言版本,具有许多新的特性和功能。像R Markdown一样,Quarto...