The aims of this study were to evaluate the genetic diversity of the racing line Quarter Horse breed in Brazil and to provide data on the most influential ancestors by pedigree analysis. All horses that had participated in sprint races in Brazil between 1978 and 2016 were evaluated. There were...
Quarter Horse Directory - Quarter Horses pedigrees, show, performance, production records, stallions, breeders, trainers, horses for sale, classified ads, and resources. SHARE OVERVIEW OF TRAFFIC RANK >1,000,000 ...
Pedigree Analysis and Exclusion of Alpha-Tocopherol Transfer Protein (TTPA) as a Candidate Gene for Neuroaxonal Dystrophy in the American Quarter Horse Pedigree analysis and exclusion of alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (TTPA) as a candidate gene for neuroaxonal dystrophy in the American Quarter ... has revolutionized the way the Quarter Horse racing industry gets stallion research. - The First Stop in Stallion Research for Breeders of Racing Quarter Horses.
The name of Streakin Six is being discovered in the pedigrees of more and more barrel horses, due to the siring success of his sons and grandsons. In the Equistat barrel horse leading money winning statistics for 2001, Streakin Six was reported as the number 8 leading paternal grandsire, ...
Jet Black Patriot's Pedigree Jet Black Patriot Game Patriot Chicks Beduino Beduino A Classy Chick Fire and Nice *First Down Dash Short and Fleet First Down Hemp First Down Jewel *First Down Dash Zevis Jewel Joes Hemp Jet Hemp Meyers Jozo Jet Jet Black Patriot...
Fifteen ancestors of horses in the random samples were identified as influential to the Quarter Horse breed. Many of these same ancestors were influential in the halter and cutting samples, but only one was influential in the race samples. The percentage of pedigree lines in the random samples ...
This study aimed to evaluate population parameters and to describe the genetic diversity of Quarter Horse breed (QH) in Brazil, reported for the first time in the literature. The pedigree data comprised 131,716 animals representing the total population (TP), with records of animals born between ...
A breed known for its versatility, the American Quarter Horse (QH), is increasingly bred for performance in specific disciplines. The impact of selective breeding on the diversity and structure of the QH breed was evaluated using pedigree analysis and genome-wide SNP data from horses representing ...
Colin KassActa Agriculturae Shanghai