Discusses the family structure of the quarks and lepton. Rare decays of kaons; Ratio of the level of direct CP violation to indirect CP violation; Evidence for neutrino mass and mixing; Rate of effective flavor changing neutral current decays; Absence of lepton flavor violation decays; ...
Discusses the family structure of the quarks and lepton. Rare decays of kaons; Ratio of the level of direct CP violation to indirect CP violation; Evidence for neutrino mass and mixing; Rate of effective flavor changing neutral current decays; Absence of lepton flavor violation decays; Phenomenolog...
As various thresholds for particle production are reached, some of the energy of the system may go into producing new particles, such as pions or kaons. At high enough energies, the relevant degrees of freedom are expected to be quarks and gluons rather than hadrons, forming the quark-gluon...
A breaking of lepton universality would require an extension of the gauge structure of the SM that gives rise to the known fundamental forces. It would therefore constitute a significant evolution in our understanding and would challenge an inference based on a wealth of experimental data in other...
Evidence for Nonhadronic Degrees of Freedom in the Transverse Mass Spectra of Kaons from Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions? We investigate transverse hadron spectra from relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions which reflect important aspects of the dynamics - such as the generat... EL Bratkovskaya...
Melnitchouk, Electroweak axial structure functions and improved extraction of the Vud CKM matrix element, Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 033003 [arXiv:2012.01580] [INSPIRE]. C.-Y. Seng, D. Galviz, M. Gorchtein and U.-G. Meißner, Improved Ke3 radiative corrections sharpen the Kμ2–Kl3...
The dimension-4 structure of the vector current is more complicated than that of the scalar and we have therefore relegated a thorough discus...A. Pich and J. Prades, Strange quark mass determination from Cabibbo-suppressed τ decays, JHEP 10 (1999) 004....
againstthecondensationofkaonswith anintriguingconsequenceonthestructureofneutronstarsandtheformationof black holes [2, 3]. At about the same density or higher, chiral symmetry restoration with a possible induced Lorentz symmetry breaking could take place [4, 5]. Even more recently the old idea of ...
NewMuoncollaboration,A reevaluation of the nuclear structure function ratios for D, He, Li-6, C and Ca,Nucl. Phys. B441(1995) 3 [hep-ph/9503291] [INSPIRE]. NewMuoncollaboration,The structure function ratios F2(li)/F2(D)and F2(C)/F2(D)at small x,Nucl. Phys. B441(1995) 12 [hep...
Furthermore t2 and t4 are polynomials in s (up to cuts encoded in the σ dependence), thus the analytic structure of the standard ChPT expression tChPT does not allow for any poles on the second Riemann sheet. In order to include the ρ resonance into our amplitude we will use the IAM...