Composite structure of electrons and a proposed static potential for quark-antiquark interactionsperaluminous granitesstronlium isotopesinherited zirconsoxygen isotopesCaledonianAcadianA Yukawa-like model of an electron consisting of a source and a field quantum leads to a 70.028 MeV/ c 2 particle ...
This process is assumed to be equivalent to the electron and proton going over to the electron and a system of three free quarks as a quantum-mechanical transition. The above amplitude is expected to yield the valence contribution to the structure function which is estimated. It is noticed ...
The structure of e+e-→bb g events was studied using Z0 decays recorded in the SLC Large Detector experiment at SLAC. Three-jet final states were selected and the charge-coupled device-based vertex detector was used to identify two of the jets as b or b . Distributions of the gluon ener...
While the systematic theoretical work is essential to enhance the reliability of theoretical predictions. Additionally, for these excited baryons, such close mass values in each group indicate a fine structure in their orbital excitation spectra. However, the fine structure in the heavy baryon ...
Single top quark production in electron-photon interactions provides a clean environment for the measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element V tb . Aiming at an experimental precision at the percent level the knowledge of radiative corrections is important. In this paper we present re...
We review recent progress in the study of quark-hadron duality in electron-nucleon structure functions. New developments include insights into the local aspects of duality obtained using truncated moments of structure functions, which allow duality-violating higher-twist contributions to be identified in...
Cacciari, S. Frixione and G. Stagnitto, The partonic structure of the electron at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy in QED, JHEP 03 (2020) 135 [arXiv:1911.12040] [INSPIRE]. Article ADS MathSciNet Google Scholar D. Buarque et al., Vector boson scattering processes: status and ...
Applications of quark-hadron duality in the F2 structure function Inclusive electron-proton and electron-deuteron inelastic cross sections have been measured at Jefferson Lab (JLab) in the resonance region, at large Bjork... SP Malace,GS Adams,A Ahmidouch,... - 《Physical Review C》 被引量:...
The electronic liquid composed of valence electrons in metals such as Li, Na, or Cs represents a charged anisotropic FL state coupled to periodically arranged (much heavier) ions via the electron–phonon coupling. Separate classes of the FL represent the neutron stars (their external layers) and...
types of quarks, distinguished by unique “flavours.” These three quark types are now commonly designated as “up” (u), “down” (d), and “strange” (s). Each carries a fractional value of theelectron charge(i.e., a charge less than that of theelectron,e). Theup quark(charge2/...