文档标签: GAGV IN THE QUARK MODEL夸克模型中的GAGV LBL-18729Preprint<:'.~LawrenceBerkeleyLaboratoryUNIVERSITYOFCALIFORNIAPhysicsDivisionSubmittedforpublicationGA/GV,INTHEQUARKMODELK.MaltmanNovember1984LAWRENCEBERKELEYLABoo.'lTORYFtbU1985LIBRARYAND...,...,-.,,,·r-i\lT...'-'·~ulvlc..1SSECTIONPr...
Kaon-nucleon and D-nucleon scattering in the quark model, including spin-orbit interactions.pdf 2015-06-05上传 Kaon-nucleon and D-nucleon scattering in the quark model, including spin-orbit interactions 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 162.04K
文档名称: Calculation of the Isgur-Wise function from a light-front constituent quark model.pdf 格式:pdf 页数:17页 该文档暂不支持下载,请选择其他文档。 下载后只包含 1 个 PDF 格式的文档,没有任何的图纸或源代码,查看文件列表 如果您已付费下载过本站文档,您可以点这里二次下载Calculation of the ...
In this model, the proton is composed of non-interacting, co-moving quarks, each of them carrying a given fraction x of its total momentum. In this case the DIS structure functions have particularly simple expressions in terms of the PDFs. Moreover, in this model the PDFs have a simple...
The spectroscopy and decays of charmonium and open charm mesons are described in a particular quark model and compared with the data and the results of other existing models in the literature. A quite reasonable global description of the heavy meson spectra is reached. A new assignment of the ...
内容提示: Light-Front QCD and the Constituent Quark ModelKenneth G. Wilson and David G. RobertsonDepartment of Physics, The Ohio State UniversityColumbus, OH 43210AbstractA general strategy is described for deriving a constituent approximation to QCD,inspired by the constituent quark model and based...
charges then becomes negative. Therefore, the QCD vacuum is spontaneously filled by gg, and to a lesser extent, byrealpairs. This “vacuum condensate” behaves as a liquid, and a hadron can be imagined as a bubble in this liquid. Such a picture is a motivation for the bag model of ...
The Quark Model – Original Quark Model – Additions to the Original Quark Model – How to form mesons and baryons – Color ? Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) – Color Charge – Quark confinement ? M.I.T. Bag Model – Assumptions – Predictions – Failures of the MIT Bag model ? Heavy ...
the first one given by a version of diquark-quark model and the second one being an optimal mass sum rule obtained using quantum groups U_q(su_n) in the role of hadronic flavor symmetries, we find a direct connection of the mass parameters of the diquark-quark model of Lichtenberg, Tas...
Quark-meson coupling model at finite temperature 下载积分:1993 内容提示: ELSEVIER 28 September 1995 Physics Letters B 358 (1995) 179-183 PHYSICS LETTERS 6 Quark-meson coupling model at finite temperature * H.Q. Song O,c, R-K. Su w&c a CCAST (World Laboratory), P.O. Box 8730, ...