Mellanox Quantum-2 QM9700 64-port Non-blocking Managed NDR 400Gb/s InfiniBand Switch - Part ID: MQM9700-NS2R,NVIDIA Quantum-2 NDR InfiniBand Switch, 64 NDR 400Gb/s ports, 32 OSFP ports, 2 Power Supplies (AC), Standard depth, Managed, C2P airflow, Rail Ki
NVIDIA QUANTUM-2 QM9700 SERIES IB SMART SWITCHES 联系我们 邮箱 电话027-87569272 地址 湖北省武汉市洪山区文化大道555号融创智谷A10-5 关注恒景 获取最新案例及解决方案
NVIDIA InfiniBand provides self-healing network capabilities, as well as quality of service (QoS), enhanced virtual lane (VL) mapping, and congestion control to provide the highest overall application throughput. As an ideal rack-mounted InfiniBand solution, the QM9700 and QM9790 400Gb/s InfiniBand...
NVIDIA QUANTUM-2 QM9700 SERIES IB SMART SWITCHES 产品详情 热门产品 产品名称参考价地区公司名称更新时间 30340-40100 MV-10A-I/O控制站面议厦门市厦门四点零自动化科技有限公司2020-08-28在线询价 浙大中控xp351数字信号卡xp351年度品-I/O控制站¥600济南市济南明远数控装备有限公司2020-07-14在线询价 ...
The NVIDIA Quantum-2-based QM9700 and QM9790 switch systems deliver an unprecedented 64 ports of NDR 400Gb/s InfiniBand per port in a 1U standard chassis design. A single switch carries an aggregated bidirectional throughput of 51.2 terabits per second (Tb/s), with a landmark of more than...