Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel: Daniel M. Greenberger and Karl Svozil, arXiv:quant-ph/0506027v2D. M. Greenberger, K. Svozil, Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel. Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics?, Eds. Elitzur, A., Dolev, S. & Kolenda, N., Springer Verlag, Berlin (2005)....
The academic year had nearly ended, and I was undertaking research at the intersection of thermodynamics and quantum information theory for the first time. My mentors and I were applying a mathematical toolkit then in vogue, thanks to Nilanjana and colleagues of hers:one-shot quantum information t...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ general relativity quantum theory space-time configurations/ quantum mechanics time travel paradoxes path integrals many worlds interpretation closed timelike curves unitarity violation density matrix wormhole time machine time evolution improbable events/ A0420C Fundamental problems an...
Despite its widespread use, quantum circuit theory is still not quite without occasional teething troubles. For instance, it was very recently argued that a proper, realistic description of circuits driven via time-varying magnetic fields – an important means for addressing and manipulating superconduct...
Causal reasoning is essential to science, yet quantum theory challenges it. Quantum correlations violating Bell inequalities defy satisfactory causal explanations within the framework of classical causal models. What is more, a theory encompassing quantu
The Theory Has Been in Play for More Than a Century Mention Quantum Theory to a non-scientist, and what you frequently get in response is a look of profound puzzlement. Even Einstein has weighed in against many of its premises by calling it “spooky action at a distance.” Elsewhere, he...
In the quantum entanglement theory, this bizarre connection can happen even when the two particles are separated by the galaxy. By harnessing quantum entanglement, the quantum key technology is used in quantum communications, ruling out the possibility of wiretapping and perfectly securing the communicat...
In numerous experiments, gravity is key to the interpretation of the observed data, but it is sufficient to use Newtonian theory (quantum particle moving in a background classical field) or general relativity (quantum particle moving in a fixed spacetime) to gather a meaningful understanding of ...
“Time Zero – Ctime” I would like to discuss a few other things about photons and also very high speed particles and their implications for a special point in time. Some of these are just thought experiments and may have no basis for a new theory, but some of you may find it interes...
a desired threshold. This shows that the total energy cost per register gate is effectively reduced to orders of magnitude below the lower bound for disposable pulses. In fact, Fig.5suggests that the gate error may be, in theory, reduced indefinitely without increasing the power consumption by ...