举个栗子,并用Qiskit实现: 我们需要一个3个量子比特,两个经典注册器的量子线路。 首先Eve产生一个Bell态作为纠缠态。假设q1量子比特分给了Alice,q2分给了Bob。 importnumpyasnpfromqiskitimportQuantumCircuit,QuantumRegister,ClassicalRegister,execute,BasicAer,IBMQfromqiskit.visualizationimportplot_histogram,plot_bloch...
Scrambling is a concept introduced from information loss problem arising in black hole. In this paper we discuss the effect of scrambling from a perspective of pure quantum information theory regardless of the information loss problem. We introduce 7-qubit quantum circuit for a quantum teleportation....
例如: Python 复制 jobs = [] for circuit in circuits: jobs.append(backend.run(circuit, shots=N)) results = [] for job in jobs: results.append(job.result()) 相关内容 使用Qiskit 将线路提交到 Azure Quantum。 使用Cirq 将线路提交到 Azure Quantum。
To validate the functionality of the protocol, the quantum circuit is simulated using the Qiskit library, with simulation results on the qasm simulator confirming its effectiveness. The proposed technique possesses wide-ranging applicability and can be incorporated into diverse protocols that employ ...
Our newly released access to real-time compute will include capabilities such as mid-circuit measurement, mid-circuit reset of qubit values, and simple demonstrations of quantum teleportation. However,in our paper,1we further hoped to take on a more demanding class of dynamic circuit, one that ...
Wrong QASM output for teleportation circuit. GitHub https://github.com/epiqc/ScaffCC/issues/28 (2018). Javadi-Abhari, A. et al. Optimized surface code communication in superconducting quantum computers. In Proc. 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO-50 ’17 692...
This paper proposes a quantum topological code decoder based on QGANs, which is applied to optimize fault-tolerant quantum teleportation systems. In this study, we first construct and test the quantum circuit of a QGAN algorithm, establishing a topological code decoder training model. Subsequently, ...
This paper proposes a quantum topological code decoder based on QGANs, which is applied to optimize fault-tolerant quantum teleportation systems. In this study, we first construct and test the quantum circuit of a QGAN algorithm, establishing a topological code decoder training model. Subsequently, ...
etc. Quantum entanglement is the key resource used in quantum teleportation, where two systems are correlated such that changes done to one system also impacts the other regardless of their distance from one another [1,2]. During the teleportation process, the information of a quantum system is...
Teleportation circuit diagram Quantum teleportation is perhaps the best quantum algorithm for illustrating these components. Quantum teleportation is a method for moving data within a quantum computer (or even between distant quantum computers in a quantum network) through the use of entanglement and meas...