A classification problem with K classes can be addressed using a neural network composed of sequential functions to map each data point \(x \in {\mathbb {R}}^N\) to K real valued numbers. We focus on a neural network classifier, \(f_{\theta }(x)\), that is defined using two mapp...
In particular, we relied heavily on the Qiskit RuntimeSamplerprimitive, which calculates the probabilities or quasi-probabilities of bitstrings being output by quantum circuits, and makes it easy to compute physical observables like the particle density. Samplernot only simplified the process of collec...
In photonics, time-domain multiplexing offers a comparatively hardware-efficient19path for building fault-tolerant quantum computers, but also near-term subuniversal machines showing quantum computational advantage. By encoding quantum information in sequential pulses of light—effectively multiplexing a small ...
class CSwapGate(label=None, ctrl_state=None)GitHub Controlled-SWAP gate, also known as the Fredkin gate. Circuit symbol: q_0:─X─ │ q_1:─X─ │ q_2:─■─ Matrix representation:CSWAP q0,q1,q2=∣0⟩⟨0∣⊗I⊗I+∣1⟩⟨1∣⊗SWAP=(1000000001000000001000000000010000001000000...
known circuit designs, such as those based on programmable read-only memories (PROMS) or sequential counters. According to the present invention, an ultrasonic transducer generates a plurality of separately focused beams each having a focal point at a different depth. This can be accomplished ...
The problem of the disclosed technology is as follows. Although a single flux quantum circuit can fabricate a high-speed sequential circuit with ease, the initialization of the circuit is required for
(which runs locally at a node) only need to be specified once, and can then be assigned to each node in the chain. Furthermore, the use of a discrete-event engine allows the actions of the individual protocols to be simulated asynchronously, in contrast to the typically sequential execution...
Thus, a parallelized version has the same scaling in terms of box size as the sequential implementation, because each processor has a constant number of boxes. When more processors are added for a bigger faulty lattice, the total execution time will remain constant if the number of boxes per ...
This is so because the setting up of trapdoors is conducted in a sequential manner, but in principle, it can be effected in parallel. The fact that most of the main functions of the protocol can be achieved in constant time is a considerable improvement over other protocols available in the...
The sequential steps involved in setting up IPSec policies and processing network traffic within the BlueField environment are illustrated. When the IPsec connection is configured, the process begins by initializing the DOCA device for the secure port. This step ensures that the network interface is...