一方面,经典物理(Classical Physics)日趋完善;另一方面,化学家们也解决了许多过去备受困扰的难题,如元素原子质量的分配、苯的结构、化学反应的基本原理等。然而,没有人会想到,相对论(Theory of Relativity)与量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)会在二十世纪初隆重登场,并由此掀开几乎横跨人类各个领域的思想革命。相对论对于化学...
General Relativity and Quantum CosmologyIn non relativistic physics it is assumed that both chronological ordering and causal ordering of events (telling whether there exists a causal relationship between two events or not) are absolute, observer independent properties. In relativistic physics on the ...
Physics - General PhysicsThe relativity to the measuring device in quantum theory, i.e. the covarianceof local dynamical variables relative transformations to moving quantumreference frame in Hilbert space, may be achieved only by the rejection ofsuper-selection rule. In order to avoid the ...
a量子物理和相对论的成就使得物理学 ,从经典物理学发展到现代物理学,奠定了现代自然科学的主要基础。 Quantum physics and the theory of relativity achievement causes the physics, develops from the classical physics to the modern physics, has laid the modern natural sciences main foundation.[translate]...
But to understand how things work in the real world, quantum mechanics must be combined with other elements of physics – principally,Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity, which explains what happens when things move very fast – to create what are known as quantum field theories. ...
IT is well known that the transformation theory of quantum mechanics corresponds to the property of the classical equations of motion of being invariant with respect to contact transformations. These are simultaneous transformations of co-ordinates xk (including time) and momenta pk (including energy)...
内容提示: 量子物理学幻想还是真实(Quantum physics fantasy is still real) directory The Content Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 Superstring theory and introduction to modern physics First, the development of modern physics 18. 19th century: Newton's law of motion maxwell electromagnetism | \ / | | \ (...
In 1927, he expressed concern that what came to be called nonlocality violates his special theory of relativity. To this day, it is the idea that quantum physics cannot be reconciled with relativity. The Copenhagen Interpretation The nadir of interpretation was probably the most famous ...
A gravity nullification model (GNM) based on the spontaneous particle decay has been developed that provides the missing physics in Einstein's theory of relativity to explain the fundamental relationship between mass, energy, space, and time as one continuum. GNM explains many of the observed ...
Quantum Theory & GravitationKlein, O. (1955) Quantum Theory and Relativity. In W. Pauli, L. Rosenfeld, and V. Weisskopf (eds.), Niels Bohr and the Development of Physics (pp. 96-117). London: Pergamon Press.O. Klein, "Quantum Theory and Relativity"; in W. Pauli (ed) Neils Bohr ...