I. The arena of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory is the abstract, unobserved and unobservable, M-dimensional formal Hilbert space ≠ spacetime. II. The arena of observations—and, more generally, of all events (i.e., everything) in the real physical world—is the classical four-di...
Everything from quantum sensors in aerospace and defense to quantum computers constructed from every candidate technology; superconducting circuits, Silicon devices, and trapped atoms and ions. While the problems targeted vary, the objective is always to improve the utility of quantum hardware. Quantum ...
根据文章末尾段内容的总结“In a nutshell, quantum mechanics is a strange and fascinating world where particles act both like waves and particles, where you can’t know everything about a particle at once, and where particles can be mysteriously connected no matter how far apart they are.(简...
However, it is also here that I made my first major compromise to the scope of the physics within the game by restricting the game state to real-valued wave-functions (which in turn implies that only gates which transform qubits within the X-Z plane can be allowed). I feel that this c...
which reside inside every GPS satellite, often usequantum superposition. They employ atoms of Cesium or Rubidium to achieve an extremely stable “tick,” one accessible only within the atoms themselves. The primary standard for time, operated using this kind of physics, is so stable that it will...
Everything was solved when 15 min later, a station master approached them, telling them that they had a call from Mirabelli himself. Mirabelli claimed that he was suddenly in the town of Sao Vincente, which was 56 miles away from the train's destination. He also claimed that he practically...
Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedank
If, as quantum physics suggests, everything is a wave, why do we get straight lines from alpha-particles? Why not concentric circles, just like waves spreading in a pond when we throw a stone in it? Heisenberg was the first person to explain this using their Uncertainty Principle. The ...
Understanding How Everything Works by a Simplified Explanation of Quantum Physics and Mechanics Principles" by Carl J. Pratt (Independently published, 2021). Bibliography EmLandau, 2016. "Particles in Love: Quantum Mechanics Explored in New Study." NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. https://www.nasa....
From a technological point of view, the 20th century witnessed dramatic change triggered byquantum physics. Its basic concepts are being widely used in our everyday technology (transistors, for example). Coherent ‘nontrivial’ wave properties, however, are not yet in frequent use in current elect...