Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level. A central tenet of quantum physics is that energy comes in indivisible packets called quanta. Quanta behave very differently to macroscopic matter: particles can behave like waves, and waves behave as though they are...
My child enjoys the Quantum Physics courses. Every single one of them. He talks afterward about what he has learned. I strongly recommend them. About Us Our mission: To expand children’s horizons through engaging classes and learning products that explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math...
News & Views02 Jan 2025 Nature Physics P: 1-2 Latest Research and Reviews Towards large-scale quantum optimization solvers with few qubits Combinatorial optimization problems might be solvable more efficiently with quantum computing, but near-term quantum optimization solvers are limited in qubit si...
If you’re skeptical about the physics underpinning superdense coding—and that’s a not a bad thing—the phenomenon has been experimentally validated (tinyurl.com/75entanglement), even with satellites and lasers (tinyurl.com/spookyrecord). Getting Started with Q# Q# language support for Visual Stu...
quantum Physicsanalogiesepistemology of scienceMCPThis paper presents preliminary findings of research on using analogies in high school classes on quantum physics. Use of analogies in teaching activities has been proposed in science education research as a method to construct appropriate meanings from and...
I appreciated having the space to grapple with the original text. Still, I wanted to understand the paper more deeply; the philosophy course pushed me toward upper-level physics classes. What I thought of as my last chance at philosophy evaporated during my senior spring. I wanted to apply ...
This strong dependence on the atom number is not affected by the atomic hyperfine structure, e.g., single- or two-states; the symmetry class, and the choice of driving protocol. Our choice of quantum many-body models is experimentally motivated. The BH model describes the physics of cold ...
Physics Faculty Positions at Westlake University Multiple positions are open at all ranks. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Westlake University New Positions open for the laser science center in Peking University The Beijing Laser Accelerator Innovation Center at Peking University invites applications for Applied...
We also show that the same algorithm succeeds against more generalized function classes, in which the oracle indicates which “segment” of Z q the exact inner product belongs to. 1.3.5. One Quantum Query Against LWE Finally, we revisit our central question of interest: what happens to a ...
Research12 Dec 2024Nature Physics P: 1-6 Potential energy landscape formalism for quantum molecular liquids The potential energy landscape formalism is a powerful tool within statistical mechanics to study the thermodynamic properties of classical low-temperature liquids and glasses. Here, the authors use...