In the one-shot energy evaluation, the parameters are set as random numbers in order to keep the bond dimension at the upper limit value (D = 128) during the circuit evolution. The number of electrons/atoms ranges from 12 to 500, and the corresponding number of qubits ranges from 24...
The highly secure measurement-device independent (MDI) QRNG protocol, which belongs to the SDI class, can remarkably certify private randomness even in the case that the detectors are under the control of an eavesdropper25,40. In the MDI scenario, a user in need of random numbers possesses a...
In solid materials, non-trivial topological states, electron correlations and magnetism are central ingredients for realizing quantum properties, including unconventional superconductivity, charge and spin density waves and quantum spin liquids. The kagome lattice, made up of corner-sharing triangles, can ...
1Ed passed away between the drafting and publishing of this post. He oversaw my PhD class’s first-year seminar course. Each week, one faculty member would present to us about their research over pizza. Ed had landed the best teaching gig, I thought: continual learning about diverse, cutti...
Alternatively, we can express Eq. (4) using complex numbers\(z,u \in \mathbb {C}\)instead of trigonometric functions: $$\begin{aligned} G(z, v) = \begin{pmatrix} z &{} v \\ -v^* &{} z^* \\ \end{pmatrix} , \end{aligned}$$ ...
Krysta Svore: Yeah, so when we think about quantum computing, it’s important, I think first to realize that quantum computers aren’t going to replace all computers we have today. It’s really going to solve a special class of problems, a certain class. Kind of similar to how we use...
Krysta Svore: Yeah, so when we think about quantum computing, it’s important, I think first to realize that quantum computers aren’t going to replace all computers we have today. It’s really going to solve a special class of problems, a certain class. Kind of similar to how we use...
Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here. Article Metrics Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, click here. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view...
Versions Notes Abstract In the practical context of quantum networks, the most reliable method of transmitting quantum information is via teleportation because quantum states are highly sensitive. However, teleportation consumes a shared maximally entangled state. Two parties Alice and Bob located at separ...
numbers, which we callamplitudes. This is a pair of (potentially negative or even complex) numbersαandβsuch that|α|2+|β|2=1. The probability that the event occurs is|α|2and the probability that it does not occur is|β|2. In isolation, these negative or complex numbers don't ...