Return/Risk: For every unit of risk this fund takes, it produces 20% more returns. Age: This is the oldest Hybrid FoF fund. Exit Load: Exit load of 1% if redeemed within 90 days Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds overview VRO rating 3 Expense ratio 0.1% as on Dec 31, 2024 Exit loa...
Quantum's12|20:80Barah-Bees-AssiAsset Allocation Approach Quantum Mutual Fund has methodically nurtured the building blocks of the 3 basic materials required to build a solid home for your financial savings. With a few clicks, you can find the correct mix of stability, growth and protection nee...
Quantum Gold Fund-ETF Quantum Ethical Fund Quantum Equity Fund of Funds Quantum Multi Asset Fund of Funds Quantum ESG Best In Class Strategy Fund Quantum Gold Savings Fund Quantum Small Cap Fund Quantum Multi Asset Allocation fund Qualification: CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst), and Ma...
TipRanks is the most comprehensive data set of sell side analysts and hedge fund managers. TipRanks' multi-award winning platform ranks financial experts based on measured performance and the accuracy of their predictions so investors know who to trust when making investment decisions. More articles...
Board of Directors – Quantum Asset Management Company Private Limited (Investment Manager to Quantum Mutual Fund)Schemes of Quantum Mutual FundQuantum Mutual Fund (`the Fund') was set up on December 2, 2005. The Fund launched its first scheme `Quantum Long-Term Equity Fund' (QLTEF) - an ...
Quantum Small Cap Fund ₹104 Crs 8.56% N.A. See all Equity funds from this AMC Frequently asked questions What is the current NAV of Quantum ESG Best In Class Strategy Fund? The current Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Quantum ESG Best In Class Strategy Fund - Direct Growth plan is ap...
TipRanks is the most comprehensive data set of sell side analysts and hedge fund managers. TipRanks' multi-award winning platform ranks financial experts based on measured performance and the accuracy of their predictions so investors know who to trust when making investment decisions. More articles...
Several bank accounts of the Angolan Sovereign Fund were recently frozen in Mauritius on suspicion of misappropriation of funds during the administration period of its former CEO, Filomeno dos Santos.
Multi-qubit cluster state of the atoms is generated as a steady state through the atomic spontaneous emission18,19. On the other hand, neutral atoms provide a useful tool for investigating dis- sipative preparation of entanglement. Two atoms might be driven to entangled state with a high ...
QUANTUM MUTUAL FUND Investment Manager : Quantum Asset Management Company Private Limited Investment Manager: Quantum Asset Management Company Private Limited, # 505 Regent Chambers, 5th floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021, India Toll Free No.: 1800-209-3863/1800-22-3863; Tel No.: 91-22-...