In this chapter, we review the general procedures of quantum metrology and some experimental progresses in quantum metrology with cold atoms. Firstly, we give the general framework of quantum metrology and the calculation of quantum Fisher information, which is the core of...
& Lee, C. Quantum metrology with cold atoms. Annu. Rev. Cold Atoms Mol. 2, 365–415 (2014). Article Google Scholar Pezzè, L., Smerzi, A., Oberthaler, M. K., Schmied, R. & Treutlein, P. Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles. Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, ...
Quantum metrology promises high-precision measurements of classical parameters with far reaching implications for science and technology. So far, research has concentrated almost exclusively on quantum-enhancements in integrable systems, such as precessing spins or harmonic oscillators prepared in non-classical...
Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ca+Ions -- Multi-Particle Entanglement and Quantum Metrology Strings of trapped Ca+ions serve as a quantum register to produce and characterize multipartite quantum states. Using a decoherence-free subspace with specifically designed entangled states we ...
. . 47 Bibliography 49 Nederlandse Samenvatting 53 5 Introduction Ultracold neutral atoms are a promising starting point for quantum metrology and quantum information science =-=[1, 2, 3]-=-. Due to their intrinsically weak interaction with the environment, trapped ensembles of neutral atoms can ...
Figure 2: Quantum metrology with laser-light particles. (a) Without quantum filter. (b) With quantum filter. In a recent theory-experiment collaboration, spearheaded by Aephraim Steinberg’s quantum-optics group, our multi-institutional team designed a measurement device that can harness negativity ...
Quantum metrology exploits entangled states of particles to improve sensing precision beyond the limit achievable with uncorrelated particles. All previous methods required detection noise levels below this standard quantum limit to realize the benefits of the intrinsic sensitivity provided by these states. ...
7), the classical cost can increase highly nonlinearly with the resulting fidelity increase, and we hence expect a gain for such tasks. Furthermore, we envision that erasure excision will improve other tasks such as quantum optimization45 and potentially quantum metrology46. Finally, insights into ...
Cold atom systems have proven to be invaluable tools in precision metrology. From practical applications such as ultra-high precision clocks [13] to more fundamental experi- ments searching e.g. for deviation from the equivalence prin- 123 49 Page 2 of 11 Eur. Phys. J. C (2024) 84:49 ...
Find inspiration here. Quantum computing, sensing, and metrology Application Barium ion control We have designed the new Koheras ADJUSTIK T20 1762.17 nm to address the 6S to 5D transition in barium ions. Characterization of materials & nanostructures ...