Lectures in this Course 1 Introduction to quantum mechanics Professor Susskind opens the course by describing the non-intuitive nature of quantum mechanics. With the discovery of quantum mechanics, the fundamental laws of physics moved into a realm that defies human intuition or visualization. Quantum...
Umesh Vazirani of UC Berkeley has recorded a series of 64 video lectures for a course titled:Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation. The videos are short ranging from 5 to 20 minutes in length and provide a good introduction to basic quantum mechanical principles, qubits, and quantum algorithms...
A very good start for learning quantum mechanics would be the famous Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol III GO DEEPER INTO QM A comprehensive guide to literature on the foundations of quantum mechanics is L. E. Ballentine, “Resource letter IQM2: Foundations of quantum mechanics since the Bell Ine...
We present our virtual learning environment StudentResearcher which incorporates simulations, multiple-choice quizzes, video lectures and gamification into a learning path for quantum mechanics at the advanced university level. StudentResearcher is build upon experiences made from workshops with the citizen...
These may include problem sets and solutions manuals, lecture notes from university courses, online courses or video lectures, and reference books that provide additional context or alternative explanations, such as "Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development" by Leslie E. Ballentine. How can I ...
[Yoganathan] explains, that’s not exactly what’s happening. Despite taking a few classes in quantum mechanics, I still learned something from this video myself. I definitely appreciate her including a failed experiment as anyone who has worked in a lab knows happens all the time. Science ...
Quantum technologies operate using the counter-intuitive phenomena of quantum mechanics likesuperposition and entanglement. Quantum networks need to distribute this superposition and entanglement between different locations. This is a much harder task than distributing bits in a regular network because quantum...
Early Development of Matrix Mechanics: Frequencies, Intensities & Electrons Mar 11, 2009 Replies 4 Views 3K How to compute Hydrogen Inner Products <n,l+1,m+1|n,l-1,m+1>? Mar 11, 2009 Replies 2 Views 2K Light in electrostatic potential ...
Quantum mechanics is a huge topic, far more than what can be presented in a single lesson. The goal here is to present foundational intuitions through a specific example. What topic would set the right intuitions for someone before they dove into, say, the Feynman lectures? Well, a natural...
Gaussian approximation potentials: The accuracy of quantum mechanics, without the electrons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 136403 (2010). PubMed Google Scholar von Lilienfeld, O. A., Ramakrishnan, R., Rupp, M. & Knoll, A. Fourier series of atomic radial distribution functions: A molecular ...