Manybody problem.This book explains the fundamental concepts and theoretical techniques used to understand the properties of quantum systems having large numbers of degrees of freedom. A number of complimentary approaches are developed, including perturbation theory; nonperturbative approximations based on ...
其实这是经典课本上的经典例子:Negele & Orland的Quantum Many-Particle Systems 2.1节,挺奇怪为什么没在其它场论课本上看到介绍渐近级数,所以古代的书还是值得一读的…… 标准模型为何不完美?769 赞同 · 18 评论 回答 发布于 2021-07-29 01:52 赞同29 分享收藏 ...
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Nowadays, many groups are enforcing their efforts on suppressing fluorescence blinking of QDs. The blinking was considered as random processes of ionization and neutralization under continuous laser excitation, such as Auger ionization and transient electron transfer from core to resonant energy states on...